- Legal Advice Appointment
1 hour
- Community Living Class (IN PERSON)
1 hour 30 minutes
- Party Registration Orientation (UMC 351)
1 hour
- Party Registration Orientation (UMC 304)
1 hour
1) Please scroll through the list of available sessions, find a session that works best with your schedule and click “sign up”.
2) Fill in your information, and click the “complete appointment” button.
3) You will receive a verification email at the email address you listed.
4) Add the appointment to your calendar so you do not forget. Your confirmation email also has a link you can use to change your appointment.
**If you are scheduling a LEGAL APPOINTMENT - Please know a student must make the appointment using a CU email address and must be present for the meeting. A parent/guardian will not be permitted to meet with the Legal Advisor without their student present. If you cannot make the appointment as scheduled, please cancel the appointment either online or by calling our office so that another student may fill your slot.
**If you are scheduling a COMMUNITY LIVING CLASS - Please know that you can be charged for the class if you do not attend and do not provide 24 hour notice of cancellation. All Community Living classes are in-person and are held in the UMC, Room 304.
If you need assistance in signing up online, please contact Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations for assistance at 303-492-7053.
1 hour
1 hour 30 minutes
1 hour
1 hour